
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2019


Perancangan Sistem Informasi Inventaris Program Studi Teknik Informatika   Adita Ayu Prawiyanti, Ramadhian Agus Triyono - Radio KarysmaFM Boyolali Abstract    The development of electronic technology in Indonesia is very fast at all, particularly in the computer has a very significant development. Computers can be used to process the data that produces an information. Most agencies require a computer to process the data. One of the activities in the educational institutions which require computers to process data is the inventory item.  Information Technology is one of the surakarta university courses that have inventory or assets enough to be inventoried. However, during this process of inventory items in informatics engineering course no recording of inventory items. Hence, in the inventory of the information needed to do the recording or checking goods at that time. With the implementation of a computerized system, ease of processing inventory items can...


Nilai Akademik Dengan Weka Interface Studi Kasus Pada Jurusan Teknik Informatika UMM Magelang   Asroni Asroni, Ronald Adrian Abstract The selection process among outstanding students in a department has a big problem. This process is not fair because only involve one criteria and ignore the other criteria. We need the best student to participate in a competition held by the Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure (ID SIRTII) of the Ministry of Communication and Information. This process uses Weka software to calculate the best student. It provides the various method to explore the data. One of them is clustering method. There are many algorithms in clustering method. In this research, we will investigate widely about one of that algorithms. Its name is K-Means. This algorithm (K-Means) will give the recommendations about the best student based on the cluster. It will represent the many clusters of a student group. The best cluster can be cal...

Mencari kata RANCU dari Artikel Transaksi Tabungan Bank Sampah

   Abstrak-Perancangan sistem informasi transaksi tabungan bank sampah Garut adalah pengaplikasian dari sistem terkompterasi dalam bidang teknologi informasi, ini membuktikan bahwa teknologi informasi dewasa ini telah menjadi bagian dari sebuah organisasi atau perusahaan di bank sampah garut juga teknologi informasi sangat penting bagi perusahaan.  Dilihat  dari latar belakang sistem transaksi tabungan yang mulai rumit dalam penyimpanan data nasabah, pencarian data nasabah dan perhitungan tabungan, makan bank sampah garut memerlukan sebuah system informasi transaksi tabungan tujuan dari penelitian ini  perancangan  system informasi transaksi tabungan bank sampah garut. Metodologi yang digunakann dalam perancangan system ini adalah dengan mrtodologi unified approach (UA). Aplikasi sistem informasi transaksi tabungan bank sampah Garut ini dapat mempermudah dan  mepercepat   pekerjaan teller dalam mengakomodasi transaksi tabungan dalam la...

Pengetahuan di Dunia Sosial (Knowledge in a Social World)

Abstract  Knowledge in a Social World offers a philosophy for the information age. Alvin  Goldman explores new frontiers by creating a thoroughgoing social epistemology, moving beyond the traditional focus on solitary knowers.