Perancangan Sistem Informasi Inventaris Program Studi Teknik Informatika Adita Ayu Prawiyanti, Ramadhian Agus Triyono - Radio KarysmaFM Boyolali Abstract The development of electronic technology in Indonesia is very fast at all, particularly in the computer has a very significant development. Computers can be used to process the data that produces an information. Most agencies require a computer to process the data. One of the activities in the educational institutions which require computers to process data is the inventory item. Information Technology is one of the surakarta university courses that have inventory or assets enough to be inventoried. However, during this process of inventory items in informatics engineering course no recording of inventory items. Hence, in the inventory of the information needed to do the recording or checking goods at that time. With the implementation of a computerized system, ease of processing inventory items can...